Streszczenie: | Penelitian ini bertujuan mendiskripsikan bagaimana menghidupkan epos pada awal abad ke-21 melalui kajian cerita fantasi epos fenomenal Amerika, A Game of Thrones. Sejalan dengan perkembangan manusia yang semakin mengandalkan rasionalitas, epos yang jauh dari rasionalitas seharusnyalah hUang dari kehidupan masyarakat. Akan tetapi, pada masa sekarang ini epos masih berpengaruhkuat dalammasyarakat,sepertiyangditunjukkano/eh ceritafantasi A Game of Thrones karya George R.R. Martin, seorang penulis yang dikategorikan sebagai salah seorang yang paling berpengaruh di dunia tahun 20 II. Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan genre dan semiotika ini bersimpulan bahwa ada unsur-unsur fantasi yang kental dalam formula dan arketipenya. Dalam memenuhi selera pembaca, formula dibangun melalui representasi rasional dan kombinasi yang tepat antara konvensi dan invensi. Dari analisis konvensi dan invensi ini, penelitian juga menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang erat antara mitos dan cara hidup masyarakat meskipun dalam dunia modern sekalipun.
This research is intended to show the sustainabilityof epic in latest years of human history through the most phenomenal fantasy in American literature, AGame of Thrones.Along,with the capability of human beings in thinking clearly and sensibly, it is commonsensical that people tend to free themselves from irrationality. The reality shows, however, that the existence of epic fantasy still has power in appealing audiences or readers. This is the case with A Gameof Thrones written by George R.R. Martin who was given the award of One of The Most InfluentialPeople in 20 II by Time magazine. This qualitative research, using genre approach, finds out that in order to be compatible with today's society,an epic seen in A Gameof Thrones, which is commonly known as a story centering on the legendary hero and his heroic deed in oral folk tradition, keeps its power as an epic fantasy narrative through certain archetypes and formulas. Through genre analysis using semiotic approach, the research brings about conclusions that the elements of high fantasy, elements built through rational representation, and a smart combination of convention and invention brings about its popularity. It is also concluded that there is a close relationship between the myth and the mode of people living even in the most modern context.