Summary: | This study aims to find out how the Law No. 30 Year 2004 on the set of Notaries Public Notary of Social responsibility in order to build for the growth of Public awareness of public awareness, knowing how to Notary run its social Responsibility in order to build awareness. of the growing awareness by the public law legal community and what in hibiting factors Notary in running social responsibility in order to raise legal awareness.
The type of data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data are obtained from respondents and resourcepers ons to inteview and people who answer questions in the form of polling, while secondarydata is obtained from the research literature.This study uses empirical methods which focuseson the juridical field research in order to obtain primary data, then the results obtained in the field of data processed by adjustingwith the prevailing laws and regulationsin order to obtain equality and conformityin the implementation and enjoyedby the community.
Notary social responsibility in growing public awareness are actually already included in the authority given by Act No. 30 of 2004 concerning the position of Notary, particularly Article 15 paragraph (2) letter (e) which Authorizes notary to providelegal counseling in connectionwith the manufacture deed, but the development community needsto have knowledge of the higherlaw, and notaryas a servant law should be able to do more active to participate and raise legal awareness,to achieve and realize the people who obey the law, as well as effortsto carry out responsibilitiesNotary social professionas nobleprofession (Nobileofficium)