Exclusive rights on trademark also cover the right to give permission to others to use the mark. Rights licensing is a licensing agreement. It takes two main principles of contract law, namely freedom of contract and good faith to enforce the contract. Strengthening the principles as the basis for t...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib
Format: Article
Published: [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada 2012
Summary:Exclusive rights on trademark also cover the right to give permission to others to use the mark. Rights licensing is a licensing agreement. It takes two main principles of contract law, namely freedom of contract and good faith to enforce the contract. Strengthening the principles as the basis for the creation and implementation of a mark license agreement is required given the continuity of the implementation of a Mark licensing agreement is highly dependent on the good will of the parties to implement the agreement. Strengthening of the principles can be achieved when the parties are honest and fully undertake to honour the agreement which they had agreed together. Hak eksklusif pada hak atas merek termasuk hak untuk memberi izinpada orang lainuntuk menggunakan merek. Hak pemberian izin tersebut merupakan perjanjian lisensi. Diperlukan dua prinsip utama hukum kontrak, yakni prinsip kebebasan berkontrak dan prinsip itikad baik untuk menegakkan kontrak yang disepakati. Penguatan prinsip kebebasan berkontrak dan itikad baik sebagai dasar pembuatan dan pelaksanaan perjanjian lisensi merek diperlukan mengingat keberlangsungan pelaksanaan .perjanjian lisensi merek sangat tergantung pada niat baik para pihak untuk melaksanakan isi perjanjian. Penguatan terhadap kedua prinsip itu dapat tercapai manakala para pihak secara jujur dan penuh tanggungjawab melaksanakan isi perjanjian yang telah mereka sepakati bersama.