Summary: | This research was mainly focusing on improving the purification process for
recombinant nucleocapsid (NP) protein of Newcastle disease virus (NDV). In this
study, several conditions of the independent variables that affect the microfiltration
process such as the temperature, transmembrane pressure (TMP), and viscosity were
observed. A microporous membrane screening using two different sizes of membrane
which are 0.1μm and 0.45μm was performed before further improvement on NP
protein filtration was carried out. It turned out to be that 0.45μm membrane gave
higher yield of NP protein than that of 0.1μm membrane. Thus, 0.45μm membrane
was used to improve the filtration process for NP protein. Based on the Full Factorial
Design (STATISTICA 8.0, Statsoft, Inc.), eight sets of experiment were designed to
identify the best conditions for the NP protein filtration. From these experiments, the
optimal conditions that gave the highest yield of NP protein are; TMP 4.5psi,
viscosity 2.39cP at 4ºC. Based on ANOVA (analysis of variance), all the independent
variables studied do not significantly affect the purification of NP protein. However,
based on the lowest p value for each variable corresponding to each response,
temperature has the largest effect for the NP protein yield.