Summary: | Impersonation and piracy of intellectual properties remain an indispensable problem across the
globe. Currently over millions of digital songs, images and videos are copied illegally during file-sharing
over the networks, costing loss of revenue to multimedia industries. Digital Watermarking (DW) is an
efficient method that embeds an imperceptible message in digital object to protect copyright and
authenticate digital media in order to prevent forgery and impersonation. Computational Intelligence (CI); a
well-established paradigm is currently gaining attraction in the field of information hiding due to its ability
to solve and improve complex problems encountered. CI has been applied in digital watermarking to
improve performance in order to curb piracy. This paper brings to view of computational intelligence
techniques specifically the Artificial Neural Network (ANN); generalizations of mathematical models
based on biological nervous systems and its applications in digital watermarking. Mathematical model of
ANN in relation to digital watermarking is indentified, elucidated and simplified. Results of image
watermarking using both ANN and no ANN were compared. It was found that ANN based watermarking
outperformed the No ANN algorithm in terms of imperceptibility. It is anticipated that this paper will serve
as a launch pad for researchers interested in intelligent watermarking.