Summary: | Anadara bivalves are actively collected for food in many places in the world. In Sidoarjo, Anadara bivalves have economic significance and they are collected by local people for along the year. But unfortunately, there are no records about the species richness of Anadara in this area. The purposes of this research were to know the species richness of Anadara bivalves at Sidoarjo coastal water and to describe their morphological characters and habitat. Specimens were collected from intertidal and shallow subtidal zone in five research stations. Morphological characterizations were done on all specimens, consists of morphometric measurements, exterior and interior shells observation. Morphological data were analyzed descriptively and shell morphometric relationships were analyzed by using linear regression analysis. The results of this research showed that there were four species of Anadara at Sidoarjo coastal water. They were Anadara gubernaculum, A. rufescens, A. granosa, and A. nodifera. Diagnostics characters among species in Anadara were the shape of shells, number and sculpture of radial rib, width of interspace between ribs, inflation of umbo, umbonal colour, and periostracum. Shell morphometric relationships also could be used to distinguish each species. A. granosa had wider habitat range, it could be found at intertidal and subtidal as well, while A. rufescens, A. gubernaculum dan A. nodifera were restricted at subtidal zone.
Key words: Anadara, Anadara gubernaculum, Anadara rufescens, Anadara granosa, Anadara nodifera, morphological characters, coastal water of Sidoarjo