Summary: | At the global lovel, the issue of ethnicity became important ofter the end of the cold war. Ethnicity becomes a strategic instrument when grouping the nations of the world are now no longer based on ideology ,but based on of ethnicity characteristic : culture religion and origin
At the national level particularly in indonesia the ethnic issue becomes important when indonesia adopted a policy of rigional autonomy .Ethnicity is used as a tool for the elites in the region to achieve their political gools.
As a marker of difference and equality . ethnic identity has an important role in the formulation of public policy : when public policy requires a stoge that is referred to as aggrega tion and articulation of interests. competition for a private matter can be brought info the public domain so to obtain justification to be solved through public policy reguire the majarity support the community throngh the aggregation of public interest. Ethnic sentiment will make the process go smoothiy . The implication ; the ethnic majority will always win the ight to gain the affenation of public interest. Ethnic sentiment will make the process go smoothly . The implication : the ethnic majority will always win the fight to gain the attention of governmenent With the consequences of discrimination and feelings of marginalization of ethnic minorities. Faced with thece problems , the adoption of ethnics (in which policy-making process carried out by considering the issues of ethnicity)
is considered by policy experts as a solution . Positive discrimination is often usedas justification to make policies that benefit a particular ethnic (usully minority ) so that do not feel marginalizied or unfairly treated. However, the adaption of ethnic politics in public policy making by some public policy experts are considered dongerous because it will encowrge the emergence of symptoms ethnocracy . There symptoms are considered harmful because the quality of public then tends to degen erate when defeated by rational consideration of. the emotional sentiment of ethnic based .
This paper will discuss the dilemnas of ethnic politics in public policy making by discucsing the issues : symptoms of a stronger sentiment of ethnicity, ethnic politics adoption as a solution to solicy of discrimination. ethnicity needed to pressure political implications for the study of public policy in the future.