Summary: | In the development of e-Gov in local government, demographic data
occupies a very important position. This is because the level of interoperability of
data on the various existing information systems in local government. Citizen
identification number, it�s called Nomor Induk Kependudukan (NIK), which is a
single identity number (SIN) will be included in every document of residence and
used as the basis of the issuance of passports, driving licenses, the number of
taxpayers subject, insurance policies, certificates of land rights, and other identity
document issuance.
Constraints faced by the government of Salatiga in developing
management information systems of demographic data is done without building
architecture as the foundation for the development of information systems. SIAK
which is a national population information system is a "shipment" from the central
government which in fact has not been able to fully solve the problems in the
population administration. In addition, the lack of integration between the
applications with each other, different platforms between each information
system, and no decline in ICT strategy � where the organization's strategic plan is
not lowered into the ICT strategic plan � also a factor that can cause local
governments fail to get optimal benefits from the use of ICT. In this context then
that the goal of this research is how to define and create an enterprise architecture
model in the management of demographic data to support the development of e-
Gov in Local Government Salatiga.
By using the methodology of Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP)
turns out to be defined and created an enterprise architecture model in the
management of demographic data. Architecture that is built consists of data
architecture, application architecture, technology architecture and implementation
plan. In addition, through this method can also be defined how the model of
information systems architecture for the management of demographic data for the
offices associated with administrative services in local government Salatiga.