Summary: | This study aims to measure the achievements of agropolitan program and to evaluate factors that influence such achievement. The research was conducted in 3 (three) Desa Pusat Pertumbuhan (DPP) in the area Agropolitan Amuntai Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara by taking 90 respondents consisting of 30 persons in each DPP. The primary data were obtained through questionnaires distributed to 90 respondents, and is followed by in-depth interviews by simple random sampling.
The data is analized by descriptive statistics method so it will be easier to be analyzed. Data then were analyzed by one way ANOVA and paired sample t-test to see linkages and variations that occur between the DPP. Furthermore, correlations were done to see the relationships between independent variables and independent variables to determine the dominant variables and provide the greatest contribution. Furthermore, multiple linear regressions were done to see the effect on the dependent variable achievements of the program's success. All the statistical analysis were done using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for windows version 16.0.
The research showed that 3 (three) indicators of achievement which: (1) the difference of rice productivity, (2) rice productivity and (3) farmer's income, in general, have a tendency to succeed, especially in the DPP-1 and DPP-2. Meanwhile, 7 (seven) factors were found that influenced the success of the program which are: 1) the level of education, 2) work, 3) farming experience, 4) the source of capital, 5) agricultural land area, 6) supporting facilities and 7) performance officers. It can be concluded that Agropolitan Program has successfully increased productivity and incomes of farmers, and therefore the program could be continued. Further, it recommends that coordination among stakeholder is to be strengthen so that program will be more successful