Summary: | Drug users who have obtained a recovery is still prone to relapse. One
contributing factor is the lack of assertiveness. This research was
conducted to assess the influence of psychological skills �BE STRONG�
to increase assertiveness in an effort to prevent relapse in drug users.
Participants were drug users who joined the rehabilitation program. Quasi
experimental research was conducted with six participants for the
experimental group and six participants for the control group.
Psychological skills training was given six times. Each meeting last for
90-195 minutes. The research design was using pre post control group
design. Assertiveness was measured by Assertiveness Scale.
Quantitative analysis using statistical test Mann-Whitney U. Qualitative
analysis using the results of focus group discussions, observation,
worksheets, and evaluation sheets of participants. The results showed
that psychological skills �BE STRONG� increase assertiveness of drug
users who are undergoing rehabilitation, with z=-2.085 and p=0.041