Summary: | The Garebeg ceremony held to show the gratitude to God, and is a gift from
the Sultan to his people. This gift embodies in the symbol of Gunungan. The history
shows that the Garebeg ceremony has started a long time ago with the
mahesolawung sacrifice, since the Pengging Kingdom in 10th century at the Java
Island. This tradition changed as the Islam spread in Java Island and modified into
Garebeg ceremony in Demak kingdom era. The ceremony continues through the
Islamic Mataram kingdom era until the next generation, namely Kasultanan
Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace.
This research carried out where the Garebeg ceremony is held, Yogyakarta,
Special Region of Yogyakarta. The goal of the research is to find out the role of
Garebeg ceremony in supporting the establishment of socio cultural resilience in
Yogyakarta. Research methodology in use is descriptive method, which exposes the
facts of the Garebeg ceremony�s setting and holding details. The data collected
through interview and documents analysis. The data analyzed with qualitative
method, with the Garebeg ceremony and Yogyakarta people participation put in
The result shows that the role of Garebeg ceremony in supporting the socio
cultural resilience of Yogyakarta is significance and runs well. There are three roles
of this Garebeg ceremony