Summary: | Diabetes is a metabolic disease that has close relation with mallfunction of
glucose uptake from the target cell, and further induce hyperglycaemia. This
condition will trigger the increase of glikation reaction and production of creactive
protein (CRP) in liver. The prolong of hyperglycaemia will then extend
inflammation phase to interfere the healing process. This research was conducted
to learn the effect of highly glucose diet to the status of CRP serum and to identify
the role of CRP in healing process. Forty sprague dawley female rats were used as
experimental animals. Rats were adapted for a week then separated into 2 groups,
for 20 each. Group I was fed with standard diet containing 20 % of glucose and
Group II was fed with highly glucose diet containing 30,5% of glucose. After 30
days, each group was divided into 4 sub-group containing 5 rats each. It called as
Group I.1 for animals that fed with standard diet, but not injected with
streptozotocin and without surgery. Group I.2 was the animals that fed with
standard diet, without injected with streptozotocin and surgery. Group I.3 was the
the animals that fed with standard diet, injected by streptpzotocin and without
surgery, while Group I.4 was the animals that fed with standard diet, injected with
streptozotocin and surgery. The next Group were : Group II.1 was animals that
fed with highly glucose diet, without injected with streptozotocin and
surgery, Group II.2 was animals that fed with highly glucose diet, without
injected with streptozotocin and surgery. Group II.3 was animals that fed with
highly glucose diet, injected with streptozotocin without surgery, and Group II.4
was the animals that fed with highly glucose diet, injected with streptozotocin and
surgery. From the analysis of all data collected, we found that concentration of
CRP didn�t affected by diet (p>0,05), but it was influenced by surgery and
streptozotocin (p<0,05). From the analysis of the histopathology of the skin we
found that although normal diet didn�t delay wound healing, but it is obviously
noted that there was an extention of inflammation process in rats with highly
glucose diet and streptozotocin injection. The result of immunohistochemistry
analysis using streptavidin-biotin method showed that there was positive CRP in
skin tissues from rats that injected with streptozotocin and surgery. From all of the
results above, we concluded that glucose diet didn�t influence the existence of
CRP but streptozotocin and surgery indeed.