Summary: | It is believed that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can enhance Knowledge Sharing (KS) with the
integration of individual and organizational factors. As a relatively new field of research, studies on KS based on
Information Systems (IS) in developed countries is also on the increase. Unfortunately, KS research in the Higher
Education Institutions (HEIs) in developing countries is mostly found to be given trivial considerations. It is even rare to
find conceptual research model for KS in HEIs in developing countries that integrate individual, organizational and
technological antecedent factors together. Therefore, the objectives of this paper are twofold: (i) to explore the best
conceptual KS research frameworks based on existing research models in HEIs; and also (ii) to propose a research model
that can help explain better the nature of KS in HEIs. The methodology of this study is subjective/argumentative research
i.e. idea generation in IS. The proposed research model has been built on the basis of IS theories and from the review of
extant KS literature. The study reveals the antecedents and incorporates in the proposed research models which are:
perceived self-efficacy for higher education and training, perceived leadership, social network, perceived ICT tools and
technology, perceived organizational rewards, perceived organizational climate and perceived organizational trust. The
paper explains the antecedents, relevance and theoretical applicability for the integration of the three theories in KS
research for HEIs. The finding of this study reveals that the proposed KS research model seems better compare to other
existing KS research framework in HEIs in developing countries. The study also reveals that the IS theories integration
with ICT technology can explain better for KS research.