Summary: | Moringa oleifera (M. oleifera) has been considered as food substance since ancient times and has also been
used as a treatment for many diseases. Nowadays various therapeutic effects of M. oleifera such as
antimicrobial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and antioxidant effects have been successfully
investigated. In this study M. oleifera methanol extraction was done on breast cancer cell (MCF-7) to
obtain anti-cancer activity by incorporation with microtitrate tetrazolium (MTT) assay and it inhibited
MCF-7 cell line with 87.13% in average at wavelength A570nm. Cell-lines were seeded at 2x105
cells per ml
in a 100µl of media (DMEM 90% and serum 10%) per well in 96 well plates. Moreover, an optimization
study was done in terms of temperature and incubation time by sonication. The optimum condition was
found to be temperature 50⁰C and incubation time 45 min with medium frequency at sonication and it
obtained 88.39% cancer cell growth inhibition by this condition. Additionally, this extract was also
implemented on normal cell line (VERO) and the extract inhibited only 12.89%. Thus it showed greater
cytotoxicity for cancer cells than for normal cells, strongly suggested that it could potentially be an ideal
anticancer therapeutic candidate specific to cancer cells. These results suggested that extraction strategy
adopted in this work could lead to several industrial applications and the potential therapeutic
implications of the soluble extract from M. oleifera leaves extract in the treatment of various types of