Summary: | Introduction: Ranula is a mucous extravasation cyst which occurs as a result of trauma or obstruction of the sublingual or minor salivary gland or the duct itself.
Patients and results: 14 patients were seen at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur and Hospital Tunku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan, Malaysia between 2000 to 2006. There were six cases of intra-oral ranula and eight
plunging ranula. Twelve patients underwent surgical intervention while two refused surgery. Four patients (33.3%) from those who had surgical intervention returned with recurrence; two (16.7%) had marsupialization and the other two (16.7%) had excision of the pseudocyst intraorally.
Conclusion: Excision and marsupialization remain as the treatment of choice in
our centres.