Summary: | Introduction
Since early 20th century, some leading scholars have been fervently
debating the possibility of making fresh ijtihÉd on a host of newly emerging
issues of fiqh al-zakÉt. This is asserted to be so due to radical changes
that have taken place in the methods of producing new forms of wealth
and the way that the Muslims deal even with the traditionally designated
zakÉt payable wealth. There are many issues1 that have engaged serious
scholarly debates surrounding the fiqh of zakÉt. But for the purpose of
this paper, we briefly highlight the current debate about issues, such as
the adequacy of growth as the criterion for zakÉtablity of the wealth,
contemporary definition of niÎÉb, attempts at revising the rate of zakÉt,
calculation of the hawl, and exemptible assets of the zakÉt payer. In this
study therefore, different views for reform shall be examined with the
prime idea of offering a jurisprudentially valid position on the about mooted