Summary: | LOCAL ELITE CONFLICT IN REGIONAL LEADER ELECTION OF NORTH MALUKU 2007-2008 In this thesis tells about a local elite conflict that happened in The Election of Regional Leader of North Maluku 2007-2008. The Election of Regional Leader of North Maluku 2007-2008 was a final of long road of local elite cntention existing in North Maluku, with two main actors in it, they were Abdul Gaffur and Thaib Armayin. This local elite contentio happened in some areas confronting them. Those areas were, areas with smale scale like statement contention in public media, province govermental policy which were not in line with regency goverment/town, political party contention and four big ethnicals emulation existing in North Maluku. Beside those, there were two big arenas of local elite contention in North Maluku, they were province of North Maluku 1999 formation and The Election of Regional Leader of North Maluku 2001-2002 and 2007 -2008. The source of this conflict of Regional Leader Election of North Maluku 2007-2008 was taken from province of North Maluku 1999 formation, behind of Abdul Gaffur and Thaib Armayin's elite local emulation and Regional Leader Election of North Maluku 2001 - 2002. Otherwise, configuration of Local Elite existing in North Maluku is divided into three big parts, they were traditonal elite, new elite of North Maluku , and local elite of North Maluku in The Election of Regional Leader of North Maluku 2007-2008. the Election of Regional Leader of North Maluku 2001-2002 could be said as an arena contention of elite local of North Maluku which happened in big scale, in this arena Abdul Gaffur who won the previous election, finally had to fail tragicly and was removed by Thaib Armayin. The next meeting and final among Abdul Gaffur and Thaib Armayin happened in the Election of Regional Leader of North Maluku 20072008. in this Election, Abdul Gaffur was defeated tragicly by Thaib Armayin in the same way like in the Election of Regional Leader of North Maluku 2001-2002