Summary: | To provide judgment regarding with animal agriculture development
program in The District of South Halmahera, North Maluku Province, a study was
conducted using secondary data from Central Bureau of Statistics and Proffincial
Office of Agriculture Service. The analysis methods of location quotient (LQ),
dynamic location quotient (DLQ), shift-share, growth ratio model, overlay and
Klassen typology were performed. The results of the study showed that present
leading commodities were goat and village or local chicken. Cattle was found to
be inferior in terms of economic growth compared to the provincial average, but
can be considered as a future leading commodity. These findings conform to the
District Development Program. Swine, duck, broiler and layer were found to have
DLQ < 1, meaning that these commodities were not leading commodities. Most of
people were Moslem who are not allowed to consumed pork. So far, most farmers
are not familiar with broiler and layer. Besides, there have been problems of large
capital required, as well as the problems of day-old chicks, feed, vaccines and
other inputs supplies.