Summary: | To achieve the first strategic goal of PT.Wijaya Karya (persero) Tbk. (WIKA) VISION
2010 with minimum sales 10 Trilliun rupiahs on year 2010, WIKA should start thinking
about the strategy how to get big project (sales more than 200 Milyar rupiahs). Mostly
project in Energy Department of WIKA is big project using Turnkey pattern. Contractor
is not only as construction company, also do the engineering and procurement as EPC
Contractor. Or IPP (Independent Power Purchase), beside as EPC contractor, completed
with financing, also operate the Power Plant and sale the electricity to PLN in certain
time. Making decision to take Turnkey project need appropriate consideration and
accuration of analysis.
This Tesis will use some stages of analysis. Start with Construction Industry Analysis to
analize Power Plant Construction Industry in Indonesia. Continue with Corporate
Capability Analysis to find out and measure the capability of corporate. Using SWOT
Analysis to identify the importand Internal Factor such as Strengths (S) and Weaknesses
(W) of company and importand External Factor such as Oppurtunities (O) and Treaths
(T). Finally do the SWOT Matrix Analysis to fitting every importand Factor become 4
(four) combination of strategic alternative : S-O, W-O, S-T, and W-T.
After passing some sequence of analysis, the conclusion is WIKA should focus on getting
Turnkey Project. And the recommendations are WIKA make consortium with Chinese
and Japanese Company, make cooperation with Power Plant Operator Company, Hire the
expert of Turnkey Project, strengthening Engineering part, achieve excellent
performance, efficiency of all part in WIKA, and build Special Biro for Turnkey Project.
Hopefully with getting Turnkey Project in the near future, will open wide opportunity for
WIKA to catch the next big projects.