Summary: | Anisakiasis is a parasitic disease in fish caused by infection of larvae stage III anisakid and can be transmitted to humans (zoonoses). Studies on anisakid larvae infection in Indonesian fish have been very rarely carried out. The aim of this research were to determine (1) the distribution pattern of anisakid larvae at red flesh and white flesh, (2) the prevalency and intensity average infection at red flesh and white flesh which are landed in Tarakan, East Kalimantan Province. Sample marine fish used for this research consist of Euthynnus sp., Decapterus sp., Rastrelliger sp., Caranx sp., Lutjanus sp., and Epinephelus sp., each of 30 fish sample s taken from landing sites Jembatan Bongkok and Beringin. The examination of larvae anisakid were conducted on body surface, body cavity, gastrointestinal tract, internal organs, and muscle of fish. Data were stored in Statistix Versi 7 program. Examination results were analyzed statistically anisakid larvae which approaches the average value, standard deviation, and variance. The result of the research shows the distribution pattern of the larva anisakid in the red flesh were group, which indicated S2 > x (S2 = 27,62, x = 3,19) and the distribution pattern of the larva anisakid in the white flesh were group (S2 = 3,08, x = 1,6). The prevalence of infected fish larvae anisakid overall (red flesh and white flesh) of 33,33 %. The prevalence of red flesh were 53,33% and white flesh were 13,33%. Mean intensity of infection overall anisakid larvae (red flesh and white flesh) were 6,30 ± 10,04. Mean intensity of infection in fish larvae anisakid red flesh is 5,98 ± 5,94 and white flesh is 7,58 ± 19,69. This research shows distribution pattern of larvae anisakid tend clustered in an organ, and the prevalence of red flesh higher of infected larvae anisakid rather than white flesh, so the consumers of marine fish also should be aware of anisakiasis in red flesh fish.