Summary: | An irreversible airway obstruction is a hallmark of chronic Obstructive pulmonary Disease (COPD). This obstruction is progressive and is associated with inflammatory response of the lung to dangerous particle and pollutan. COPD is known as the sixth leading cause of death in the world and the seventh in Indonesia. Physical, emotion, and social limitation of those with COPD will result in deression symptoms and a decrease in the quality of life. “Latihan Pasrah Diri” combines relaxation and prays focusing on breathing excersise and words inside those prays. The relaxation response from this method may improve the depression symptoms and patient’s quality of life. This study aims to determine the changes in the quality of life of COPD patients with depression symptoms after performing LPD. The design of the research is a quasi experimental study in Pulmonary Outpatient Clinic dr. Sardjito General Hospital Yogyakarta from November 2010 consequtively until the calculated sample number is fulfilled. We will performe a Saphiro-WIlk test to analyze the normal distribution of data. We will further analyze those normal data. The normal data will be further analyzed using an independent ttest, whilst Mann Whitney test wil be used to perfomed the abnormal distribution data analysis. A probability value of <0.05 with confident interval of 95%were considered statistically significant. This study will describe in detail the baseline characteristics of age, sex, education, occupation, BMI, marriage status, smoking status, FEV1, past medical history, and SGRQ score. More importantly, we will demonstrate the effect of LPD on quality of life of patients with COPD.