Summary: | As one of the big five pharmacy company in Indonesia, PT. Bintang Toedjoe must be able to maintain their pharmaceuticals product’s quality. One of the important parts in the company that responsible to this kind of quality is Quality Assurance-Quality Control division. Human resources as a part of QA-QC division, become a key factor for organizational productivity improvement. At the present, company asks their employee to build an extraordinary behavior in their internal environment, which calls as organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). There so many factors that can influence OCB, one of them are transformational leadership and organizational commitment. The goal of this research is to know the effectively influence of transformational leadership and organizational commitment to OCB. This is the kind of expost facto research, with cross sectional design. All of the employees in QA-QC division of PT. Bintang Toedjoe that suitable with research subject’s criterion are used as research subjects. Overall the research subject’s amounts are 60 peoples and have completely filled the standard questionnaires of OCBQ, MLQ, and commitment scale of Meyer and Allen (1991). The questionnaire which has been filled is analyzed by SPSS version 16 for Windows. Validity and reliability analyses became the first test in this research, and for the next step we used regression analysis. This research has proven that there are an influence of transformational leadership that applied by the top level manager of QA-QC division to OCB with the value of coefficient correlation (r) 0,773, equation of regression Y = 1,215 + 0,773X1, and contribution to OCB effectiveness is equal with 59,70 %. Besides that, there’s also an influence of organizational commitment to OCB at QA-QC division with the value of r 0,555, equation of regression Y = 0,981 + 0,555X2, and contribution to OCB effectiveness is equal with 30,80 %.