Summary: | In 2007, the Government of Aceh issued a moratorium logging policy a
temporary cease of all forest tree cutting. This program is aimed to prepare new
forest management systems to reserve the natural forest areas in Aceh. In practice,
the moratorium of forest cutting did not work properly. Various cases of illegal
cutting still occur and different views / perceptions on multifunction and
management of forest areas among those who have similar interests in the issue
remain. This research is aimed to identify the different perceptions of priority
scales of forest multifunction among the Aceh Government, the Aceh House of
Representatives and non-governmental institutions.
Instruments selected to conduct this research is questionnaires with 5-scale
alternative answers of interest. The questions in the questionnaires are the
development multiple use variables ini Baskenz�s reseach conducted in Turkey.
In addition, a development of Rahmanto�s agricultural multiple function research
in the East Java Province is applied as the analysis instrument. There are two
analysis instruments, difference test and association test, which are both nonparametric
statistics instrument analyses. The Kruskal Wallis difference test is
applied to find the forest multifunction that are differently perceived. Kendall
association test, in contrast, is employed to identify similar views necessary for
ranging priority scales of forest multifunction. Chi square independence test is
also applied to multiple use the respondent�s characteristics that are suspected to
have influences on the perceptions.
This research findings show that forest areas serve as the water resources
and flood prevention as the main priority scale from the point of view of those
having interest in the forest management in Aceh. Further, there are four forest
management elements that are differently perceived: forest as conservation areas
of the natural diversity, forest area values, forest revitalization, and established
forest institution. Factors assumed to have influences on the priority scale
perceptions of forest multiple- use in Aceh are age, education, and institution.