Summary: | The goal of this research is to know the effectiveness of training and
education program for Level 3 with research location is at INAP (National
Institute of Public Administration) in Timor-Leste.
How to know the efectiveness of this training program was by measuring
from the graduation result quantitatively and qualitatively.Whereas the elements
that influence the effectiveness of training program are (1) Quality of the trainers,
(2) Quality of material and curriculum, (3) Instruments/tools and infrastructure.
The research methods that use were qualitative and quantitative description.
primary data collective technique were interview and quesionaire and to know
more completely of this research of secondary data, the researcher did
documentation study, obsevation and literature.Whereas to know the relationship
within variable was using regretion analysis.
The data analysis result showed that the training and education program
for level 3 even quantity and quality were generally effective. Its evidence by
comparing the abiliy and attitude/dicipline change of employees before and after
followed the training and education program in category good/able.
For employees ability before the training and education program were
unable and after the training were able was bigger than before that is 60% whereas
the employees ability before and after the training were able that is 40%. Whereas
for the behaviour change that showed by their attitude and discipline. For their
attitude and discipline before and after training in good category was more bigger
that is 55% and also the attitude and discipline change before training was bad and
after was good 42,5% if compared with the employees� attitude and discipline
before and after training was bad more smaller, that is 2.5% only.
The situation as above was happened because of these reasons (1) the good
quality of trainers (2) the appropriate of material and curriculum (Matching) (3)
Instrument/tools and infrastructure were satisfied.
The effectiveness of this training program were definite by the classification of
trainers (84.76%) material and curriculum (84.25%) instrument/tool and
infrastructure (72%)