Summary: | This study aims to examine and to obtain empirical evidents on influence of
gender, knowledge, experience, obedience pressure and task complexity towards
audit judgment quality of government internal auditor. The advantages of this
research is to use internal auditors Inspectorate District that is rarely used by
other research. The dependent variable in this research is that judgments of audit
quality is measured using a questionnaire instrument, while the independent
variable is gender, knowledge, experience, compliance pressures and the
complexity of the task.
Sampling was done using convenience sampling method. This research
that the internal auditor on the Inspectorate District in Central Java.
Questionnaires administered in this study as many as 66 questionnaires, while the
questionnaires returned as many as 61 questionnaires and questionnaires that can
be processed as much as 58 questionnaires. Type of data in this study are primary
data using questionnaires.
The results showed that the knowledge, experience and compliance
pressures have a significant effect on audit quality judgments of gender and task
complexity, while no significant effect on audit quality judgments.