Summary: | The purpose of this study was to compare two grounding / earthing system
which are known in low voltage network installation and put the same location
but a different in usage. TN-C-S system is commonly used in residential
installations and installations like, while the TT system is used in installation of
power whichis greater in capacity than residential installations that require
earthing resistance with certain value.
The method of research that was used involving, document, the general rule
electrical installations ( PUIL), IEC, literature grounding system diagrams and
other support such as simulators and software.
It was found that equipment resistance, better known to ordinary people as the
ground mean, which is very important, because if the value of resistance meet the
user�s installation requirement it will be safe. Although the low voltage network
system is equipped with grounding system at every 200 meters or every fourwicket,
in fact the data of grounding resistance are obtained do not meet the
requirements of the earthing system. These comparisons are not looking for a
better system, but rather reinforce the use of two systems at a particular location.