Summary: | One of government�s efforts to guarantee people access of essential
medicine is by applying a policy concerning with medicine prices. The purpose of
the research is to find out the variation and the ratio of generic and branded
medicine selling prices in comparison with Harga Jual Apotek (HJA) � Pharmacy
Selling Price � base on the regulation of Health Department and International
Reference Prices (IRPs) 2010 in some private pharmacies in Jember, and their
availability and affordability.
The research is a descriptive non experimental one. The data used is
prescription document during April-August 2010. The data collecting is done
retrospectively toward generic and branded medicines mostly given, including
their prices and affordability.
The ratio of generic medicine selling price toward HJA of Health
Department 2010 is 0.14-9.09 times and for branded medicine, it is 0.26-114.06.
On the other hand, the ratio of generic medicine selling price toward IRPs 2010 is
0.03-16.67 times, and 0.09-501.88 times for branded medicine. Out of 50 kinds
of mostly given medicines, 35 of them are generic medicines with the percentage
of availability range as much as 6.8%-100%, while 15 of them are branded
medicines with the range of 11.4%-93.2%. In the matter of affordability, it needs
1 working day to do a therapy using generic medicines for diabetes mellitus,
hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, rheumatoid arthritis, and infection cases. In
contrast, it requires 1-35 working days to do those therapies using branded
medicines with Regional Minimum Salary of Rp.33.200,00 for each working day.
Base on the research, it shows that there is no conformity of generic and branded
medicines selling prices between the rate which has been decided by the
government and on real practice.