Summary: | Mas Marco Kartodikromo is well known as a ajournalist, author and activist in
the beginning of 20th century movement. In 1914 he founded Inlandsche Journalisten
Bond (IJB) and Doenia Bergerak as it�s journal.
This study is using Postcolonialise as perspective which sees his identity as an
ambivalency. This study elaborates how the knowledge of the colonizer and colonized
has intersected in his self, the practice of mimicrymockery,
and articulation of
redefining colonial discourse by Mas Marco. As a methode, this study uses Foucaultian
discourse analysis.
The power of cultural crossbreeding encouraged Mas Marco to practice
specific resistance againts colonialism. In a momment, he was a colonial enemy but he
had the power of colonial knowledge to fulfill his mission. His main provocation is
about the change of the way the colonialized dressed, from traditional style to Europe.
This movement produces a variety of other subversive discourses such as the discourse
of colonial subject.
The result of this study shows that the colonizer is not only Dutch, but appear
as a character. Traditionalism is also seen as colonial character because it has been
used to maintain the colonialization. Mas Marco�s ambivalency�s then perceptible from
his antipathy toward traditional and colonial symbol but he also used both as
a strategy of resistance.