Summary: | Research was done on potential study and utilization of Water Resources
in Lubuk Paraku Padang Sub-watershed. One of the artificial hydrological model
(model mock) is applied to predict the potential of water resources. Six of model
parameters is optimized by using the method of trial and error. The result of
calibration, verification and validation test are statistically and graphically show
that the model can be applied to predict the potential of water resources I
The simulation result of water potential Lubuk Paraku Subwatershed
predicted an average of 7.36553 m3/sec (0.001162 m3/sec/ha). Potential flow
simulation during the rainy season on average amounted to 12.43948 m3/sec/ha).
Potential flow simulation during the rainy season in the below-average amounts to
2.24827 m3/sec (0.000355m3/sec/ha). Tahura water resource potential of DR
Mohammad Hatta predicted an average of 0.09517 m3/sec (0.000459 m3/sec/ha).
Potential flow simulation during the rainy season on average amount to 0.15470
m3/sec/ha). The potential for discharge simulation during the rainy season in the
below-average amount to 0.03516 (0.000 m3/sec/ha).
The need of the average total water in the District of Lubuk Kilangan
amounted to 2.6495 m3/sec. The highest average water demand is for industrial
sector amounted to 1.8536 m3/sec and the lowest was for the hospital needs of
0.0005 m3/sec.
Criticality index of water Lubuk Paraku Sub-watershed water in the
simulation mean and rainfall is above average do not experience critically, when
the rainfall is below average there are close to critical conditions (January and
February), critical (November) and very critical (March, April, May, Juni, July,
August, September, Oktober and December).