Summary: | Kerinci Seblat National Park is one of important catchment areas of the
river flow areas in 4 provinces. One of them is the Batang Masumai Watershed of
Merangin district. It was assumed that the disturbance threat of the area and the
use of the land would influence the water supply of Batang Masumai watershed.
The study aimed at appraising the water potential of the Kerinci Seblat National
Park area, the need of the people Pangkalan Jambu subdistrict for water and at
finding out water critical index in the Pangkalan Jambu subdistrict of Batang
Masumai watershed.
The water potential was calculated using Mock's method (1973). The
input data were half-month rainfall, atmospheric moisture, wind speed, sun light
exposure duration, daily temperature and observed debit. The data was used to
calculate the magnitude of evaporation in addition to parameter optimizing to
determine the water flow debit. Calibration and verification were conducted to
find out the accuracy of the model for the parameters by considering the
correlation coefficient (R) � 70%, volume error (VE) � 5% and standard error
(SE) < 0,8. A weighing was conducted to find out the magnitude of the flow debit
potential of the Kerinci Seblat national park, while the need of Pangkalan Jambu
subdistrict for water was calculated using the approach of the water use resulting
from the study by the Research and Development Division of the Department of
Public Work.
The results of the study showed that the average water potential of the
Batang Masumai watershed in 2000-2009 was predicted to be 7.05 m3/second,
while the average potential of the water resource of the national park was
predicted to be 4.07 m3/second (128,385,877.21 m3/year). The total need of
Pangkalan Jambu subdistrict for water was 1,435,509.36 m3/year with the average
predicted need of 0.944 m3/second. The highest need took place at the beginning
of March and September, which was 1.54 m3/second. The water critical index
based on the average water potential and the need of the water indicated the
situation close to a critical condition in September and the remaining time has not
been critical.