要約: | Background: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) causes 40% of world
population at risk for infection and every year 50 million people get infected
and as many as 24,000 die. Incidence rate in Indonesia, particularly at
subdistrict of Maritengngae, District of Sidenreng Rappang, Sulawesi Selatan
is increasing, so that neet to controlled. Disease distribution has not been
documented regionally. The dynamics of the incidence that comprises
characteristics of the patient, environmental condition, susceptibility of
mosquitoes by use of insecticide consequence, transovarial ineffectiveness
and the incidence pattern are unknown.
Objective: To identify the incidence of DHF through spatio-temporal
approach, comprising gender, age, the habit of keeping water container
clean, house density and the availability of water container within the radius
of 100 meters from the house of the patient, resistance of the mosquito and
transovarial tranmission of dengue virus.
Method: The study was observational with cross sectional design. Subject of
the study were DHF patients. Analysis used chi square, independent T-test,
retrospective space-time, absorbent value (AV) deviation standard and
transovarial transmission index (TTI).
Result: Incidence distribution in 2008-2009 for gender showed no difference
(p=1.000), age <15 years differed from age �15 years (p=0.016 and 0.013),
house density and availability of water container around the house of the
patient showed no difference (p=0.829 and 0.538). The habit of cleaning
water container at the house of the patient was 43.84%. Aedes aegypti had
medium resistance (1.94%) and contained dengue virus (TTI=33.33%).
Conclusion: There was no difference in the distribution of gender and house
density and availability of water container around the house of the patient, but
there was difference in age group in the incidence 2008-2009. Only a part of
the patient house with habit of cleaning water container. There were
insecticide resistance and transovarial tranmission of dengue virus in Aedes
aegypti mosquito.