Summary: | Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the most common cause of death in
either developed or developing countries, and elevated LDL values has been
considered as an established risk factor for the development of atheosclerosis in
CHD. however, LDL is consisted of seven subfractions (subtypes) with different size,
density and cholesterol content, in which Small dense low density lipoprotein (sd-
LDL) is a much more atherogenic LDL subtype compared with others since it easily
peneterates the subendothelial layer, easily oxidized and in turn results in
atherosclerosis. The purpose of this study is to address the relationship between sd-
LDL and the percentage of angiogrphically confirmed atherosclerosis in coronary
heart disease.
This is a analytical, observational, cross-sectional study, with total 54 subjects
consecutively recruited from Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta. They are patients
with CHD who admitted for angiography. Coronary heart disease was defined based
on clinical symptoms and ECG examination, atherosclerosis was established with
angiography, while sd-LDL (ratio LDL-C/Apo-B of <1,2) was measured with
homogeneous enzymatic method dan Immunoturbidimetry. the correlation between
sd-LDL and atherosclerosis was then analyzed with Spearman correlation test.
Results and conclusion: this study consisted of 37 male and 17 female with
most common symptoms were chest pain in 47(87%) of the patients, the the majority
of the patients were diagnosed with stable angina pectoris 49(90,8%) and the most
common treatment was statin. There was a moderate negative correlation between
small dense low density lipoprotein (sd-LDL) and the percentage of angiographically
atherosclerosis (r=-0.451