Summary: | Background: The case fatality rate of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) in
Bantul was 1,41 percent in 2008, indicating still that DHF case is high. Bantul
Regency Government established jumantik (larvae monitoring team) program and
foster parents program to monitor the larvae free index (ABJ) and the elimination
of larval habitats in Bantul. Based on a health survey by Bantul Regency Health
Department in 2007, community participation in eradicating DHF mosquito nest
in Bantul was still low because the larvae free index showed the rate of 80
Objective: This research is aimed to find out the correlation among household
behavior in the elimination of larval habitats, jumantik program, foster parents
program with DHF prevalence in Bantul.
Method: This research used analytic observational research with cross sectional
design. The research sampling was carried out in the working area of Puskesmas
(Public Health Center) Banguntapan I, Puskesmas Banguntapan II, Puskesmas
Sewon II, Puskesmas Kasihan I, and Puskesmas Kasihan II using purposive
sampling method. The sample consisted of 184 samples. The data was collected
using questionnaires. Data analysis used was univariate analysis, bivariate
analysis (Relative Risk (RR), Confidence Interval (CI), and P-value), and
multivariate analysis using logistic regression.
Result: The result of bivariate analysis (using 2x2 tables) statistically showed
significant correlation between draining container (RR= 4,31, p=0,000), closing
container (RR= 1,71, p=0,003), burying unsused thing (RR=1,10, p=0,516), health
education by jumantik (RR=1,41, p=0,037), regular larvae monitoring by jumantik
(RR= 3,96, p=0,000), the implementation of the elimination of larval habitats by
jumantik (RR=2,84, p=0,000), health education by foster parents (RR=2,52,
p=0,000), regular larvae monitoring by foster parents (RR=3,59, p=0,000), the
implementation of the elimination of larval habitats by foster parents (RR=2,82,
p=0,000). The result of multivariate analysis revealed that the variable of draining
container (RR=19,375, p=0,000), regular larvae monitoring by jumantik
(RR=5,450, p=0,001), the implementation of the elimination of larval habitats by
jumantik (RR=1,192, p=0,015), larvae regular check by foster parents (RR=3,898,
p=0,005), the implementation of the elimination of larval habitats by foster
parents (RR=3,883, p=0,014) became the most dominant factor.