Summary: | This research is based on the purpose to reveal the corruption news
conducted by a Regent in the period of 2005-2010, in the regency of Toba
Samosir, North Sumatera, to wit, Monang Sitorus, on a local web called The type of research used to analyze the news, is qualitative,
with a Teun Van Dijk version�s of discourse analysis study method. The object of
this research is the corruption news which was uploaded on the corruption canal
of, in the period of April, May, September and November 2009.
Each month contains one corruption news.
Tobasa, a region which was recently established as Regency in 1999, has
been administered by two Regents since it was legally affirmed. A leader is
properly known to have a responsible attitude and willing to conduct goodness for
the sake of implementing all visions and missions hold by the Regency since the
beginning. But the fact which occurred showed that both of these Regents own
their track record of deceitfulness in ruling the Tobasa people. Both men were
suspected to conduct a criminal act of corruption.
The bustling mass medias in covering these news, was followed by a local
web, which focused in gathering information in the area where they were, the
website was called This is an individual company media, with
their purpose to distribute information exactly as what they witness and collect
from the field, through journalistic processes, which are, collecting, analyzing and
announcing the news. For the whole four months, their web posted very
interesting news relating to a corruption case that was uploaded on a special canal
made by the owner of to accommodate any corruption news.
That canal went under the name of �corruption.� These four news posted by them,
started in April, May, September, and ended in November 1999, represented a
reality that eventually formed into a real discourse, these were the speech made by
the writer of that news, whom also known as the owner of
website, Ivan Napitupulu.
Eventually, these four pieces of news formed a certain meaning: the will of
its writer to implement the real function of mass media, that is, to inform people
with this corruption news occurring in Toba Samosi, with the suspect of their own
Regent period 2005-2011, Monang Sitorus. This means that Monang Sitorus, as
the second leader in Tobasa after the first Regent Tambun Simbolon, failed in
conducting Tobasa government that is recently formed and in the expansion area.
The vision and mission determined since the regency was existed in 1999 by
making Tobasa as corruption-free regency has not achieved. Therefore, Tobasa
people must be more selective in choosing the next leader so this regency can
develop to be the regency like what Tobasa people hope.