Summary: | In Indonesia, the halal certification issued by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) since 1989. Since
its initial publication, MUI many encounter problems, mainly concerning the authority and legitimacy.
This is due to the absence of clear legal product on the mention of the MUI as a legitimate institution in issuing halal certification. Problems facing increasingly diverse post-collapse of the New Order. Where the Ministry of Religious Affairs proposed draft Law Halal Product Warranty (RUU JPH) in the House of Representatives who in several articles asking for authority to issue halal certification from MUI taken over into the hands of these ministries. The RUU JPH is controversial in some parties that act pros and cons. On the other hand, found some products that have been labeled as kosher of MUI but containing pig DNA. MUI remain at its founding to keep issuing halal certification. Attitude is alleged that the MUI has particular interests in the presence of halal certification. Therefore, the formulation of questions drawn is what interests behind the effort MUI maintain kosher certification? By using a qualitative study, researcher attempted to answer that question.
Chronology of the appearance of halal certification policy in Indonesia is a long and complicated
process. Starting from Tri Sutrisno research which found that some outstanding products containing pig DNA and the discovery of the appalling society to disrupt economic activity. MUI take the initiative by issuing halal certification as a solution to muffle the issue while protecting the rights of Muslims.
However, these initiatives are not accompanied by a basic law that resulted in seizure of authority
among government agencies. MUI itself are considered not valid in the issuing of halal certification
because no government agency, although in the establishment of these institutions was facilitated by the government (more precisely Soeharto). Scramble rights that most real authority appear from filing of the RUU JPH, although now the RUU was not heard from again echo.
MUI itself has particular interests while maintaining their rights issuing halal certification. Interests is
not always associated with the material even though the tendency is still there. After the fall of
Soeharto, the MUI as lost its mother, where the first institution was used for the benefit politically and made him have a big power. So in other respects, halal certification has indirectly saved the existence of MUI both in scope and organization of the scholars who are members in it. MUI existence intensified not only caused by the cancellation of the RUU JPH but also the needs of the growing market of halal products. Besides the support from the government and manufacturers that require halal certification to strengthen the economy. This is what ultimately makes the MUI has the legitimacy and authority, although on the one hand considered weak. Therefore, the current needed is a legal product a clearer and better performance improvement.