Summary: | The decentralization spirit of Timor Leste government was to pursue sustainable
development for equally distributed welfare through decentralistic government. It provide
local people with a democratic means to play active role in the credible, transparent and
integrated implementation of local government programs in order to materialize good
governance principle based on the Article 5 of Constituição Republica Democratica De
Timor Leste (RDTL) on March 22nd, 2002, on decentralization, which stipulates the
followings: (1) The state should implement a general decentralization principle in
organizing local governments, (2) The act will establish the characteristics and the
authority of each of the existing local governments, and (3) Oequsse and Atauro will be
treated in a special manner in terms of economy and administration.
The first constitutional government of the Prime Minister Ex-Senhor Dr. Mari
Alkatiri and the fourth constitutional government of the Prime Minister Senhor Xanana
Gusmão were committed to pursue the sustainable development for the materialization of
a welfare nation among other ASEAN countries. Based on the strategy of national
development programs of 2020, the nation would take off through multisectoral
development in 2020.
The Ministerio da Administracao Estatal e Ordenamento do Territorio (MAEOT)
through Direcção Nacional Desenvolvimento Local e Ordenamento Territorio
(DNDLOT) was committed to realize the Local Development Program (LDP) in the area
of infrastructure at local level of Suco (village).
The study used the theoretical framework of implementation as an analysis
instrument to examine the in-field findings..
The analysis method was a combined qualitative and quantitative one following
the steps: 1) Likert scale model with descending favourable form or stratified from the
highest score to the lowest one basic on the main factors, 2) the analysis of the
identification of the variable of the LDP system performance and the performance of the
local infrastructure development in percentage in order to find out the uses and the
success of the development of the local infrastructure on the priority. 3) the verification of
the questionnaire response was conducted by cross-checking them with the results of the
interview with respondents, 4) the conceptual and operational definition could describe
the variables of the study, especially the characteristics and the measurement in the
qualitative and quantitative analysis.