Summary: | This study worked trough the formulation of five district policies in retribution
process proposed by Bureau of Koperasi, UKM, Industrial and Trading District
Kepahiang, that is district policy in Liquor Trade Business License, district policy in
Trading Business Consent Retribution, district policy in Koperasi Founding Consent
Retribution, district policy in Warehouse Registration Mark Retribution, and district
policy in Industrial Business Consent Retribution. This study is considered important
because five district policies proposed by Bureau of Koperasi, UKM, Industrial and
Trading were repealed by Department of National Issue and was the largest amount
repealed compared to other bureaus or agencies in District Kepahiang. These policies
have been implemented for five years and repealed for two years, but until recent have
not been studied yet. Perceiving these matters, research problems were abbreviated
about the formulation of five district policies in retribution process proposed by Bureau
of Koperasi, UKM, Industrial and Trading District Kepahiang.
This study aimed to describe and consider in-depth the formulation of five
district policies in retribution process proposed by Bureau of Koperasi, UKM,
Industrial, and Trading from problem formulating phase to policy fulfillment phase and
the complexity of formulating these five district policies process.
This study used qualitative research method with descriptive approach. Data
gathering technique was done by deep interview and documentation. The data was
analyzed through three phase of data reduction, data presenting, and decision
This study found that the formulation of five district policies in retribution
process proposed by Bureau of Koperasi, UKM, Industrial and Trading from the
problem formulating phase, policy agenda, policy alternative selection, to policy
determination phase was done according to bureaucrat elite eagerness and not based to
the problem formulated from public reality. The executives formulated the five policies
based on District Kepahing government desire to have its own policy, after separating
from District Rejang Lebong. The legislatives supported those five policies, because
legislatives believed that the policies were good to the society of District Kepahing and
there was regulation underlying the policies. This was done by the legislatives because
lack of resource possessed by the legislatives, either of district policy substations
understanding or facilities and infrastructures. Formulation of five district policies
retribution was not based on public necessity and higher regulation, but merely
duplicating District Rejang Lebong policies previously implemented in District
Based on those findings, suggested to District Kepahing government,
particularly Bureau of Koperasi, UKM, Industrial and Trading to evaluate those five
policies and reformulate it based on Law No. 34 /2000 and Government Regulation No.
66/ 2001 dan higher regulation relevant to five policies materials. District Kepahing
government also need to evaluate to the Governor before five district policies be settled
and implemented.