Summary: | Research on The Comparative Study of Construction Contract Law
Banking Services PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Budget Year
2007/2008/2009 With PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Budget Year
2010/2011/2012 as The Operation Bank I of KPPN Wates Working Partner, is the
normative legal of research is a study of the principles of law, legal systematics,
comparative law, and regulations applicable legislation and focusing on the
research literature for more review of secondary data. All data were analyzed
qualitatively by describing the data in a systematic form of writing, making it
easier to provide answer to the following interpretation of the existing problems.
This study aims : 1) to know about the legal construction of banking
services contract PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. In budget year
2007/2008/2009 compared with PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. For budget year
2010/2011/2012 as The Operation Bank I of KPPN Wates working partner in
terms of principles of contract law, 2) to know about compare the function of
commercial bank as The Operation Bank I, The Operation Bank II, and The
Recipient Bank in terms of increasing the value of benefits in connection with the
position as KPPN Wates working partner.
Based on research results are known : 1) construction of banking services
contract law principles of contract law applies, then in addition to apply the
principle of freedom of contract, the position of the parties in the engagement is
influenced also by the existence of proportionality between the rights and
obligations of perpetrators. If connected with the agreement for the benefit of third
parties (derden-beding), the partner/treasurer/employee is a third party who
receives a transfer of funds committed by Operation Bank I based mail transfer of
command KPPN Wates, 2) PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Yogyakarta branch
of The Operation Bank I, have not received significant benefits and advantages.