Summary: | This reseach has a purpose to analyze the dominant sector in the
economy of the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam in 2005. This research
used Input-Output analysis. This sector has strong links with other sectors, both
forward linkage and backward linkage.
This analysis uses a numerical multiplier analysis in the form of the
output multiplier and income multiplier using the input-output tables 2005.
The results of this study show that the sector has the highest value on
the basis of backward linkage industries are the sectors of food, beverages and
tobacco amounted to 2,8428 units and the highest value of forward linkage is the
trade sector amounted to 5,1104 units. From the index of the power distribution
and degree of sensitivity index is the dominant sector of the coffee sector, oil and
gas refining. Food industry, beverages and tobacco, fertilizer and basic chemical
industries, electrical and building.
The production figures highest value of the multiplier is owned by the
sector of food, beverages and tobacco amounted to 1,9220 million dollars and
income multiplier that has the highest value is in the goverment sector and the
defense of 0,6929 million dollars.