Summary: | The labour placement contract is one of the requirements that are supposed
to be fulfilled in the placement process of Indonesia�s labour in overseas. The
contract is conducted by Calon Tenaga Kerja Indonesia or CTKI (Indonesia�s Labour
Candidate) and Pelaksana Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Swasta or PPTKIS
(Private Placement Executor of Indonesia�s Labour).
The research about Notary Practice in Placement Contract of Indonesia�s
Labour�s in Overseas (Case Study in Pontianak), is a juridical normative research,
because the data collected from library research and supported by field research in
PT. Arwana Citra Lestari. Secondary data collected from primary, secondary and
tertiary legal materials. Primary data collected through interviews with the sources
who understand the problem of the research.
The result of the research shows: 1. the placement contract of Indonesia�s
labour in Kota Pontianak by PT. Arwana Citra Lestari up till now is only conducted
through under hand written document made by the PPTKIS. 2. Some notary aspects
are found in the placement contract of Indonesia�s labour, namely: aspect of the
authority of notary function, aspect of the evidence and aspect of the desires of the
parties. 3. There are 3 (three) factors found that influence the notary practice in the
placement contract of Indonesia�s labour, namely: public�s knowledge factor, cost
factor, and the factor of regulations that have not been accommodated.