Summary: | In the broadcasting rights of English Premiere League 2007-2010 season
between PT. Direct Vision, All Asia Multimedia Network (AAMN), and ESPN
Starsport (ESS) there was an allegation of violation of Article 16 and Article 19
letters a and c of Law No. 5 of 1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic
Practices and Unfair Business Competition. Problems arose when ESS as the
holder of the broadcasting rights for Asia region transferred the rights to AAMN,
a daughter company of ASTRO group based in Malaysia.
This juridical normative and descriptive research took place in Jakarta.
The data used are primary data obtained from field research and secondary data
obtained from literature review. The field research was conducted through
interview, while literature research was conducted through study document.
The research shows that 1) the legal protection in the decision of the
KPPU in regard to the principles of healthy business competition have been
implemented correctly, reviewed from the viewpoint of anti-monopoly laws and
Commission and unfair competition.2) at the practical level there are difficulties
in implement ing the decision. This is because KPPU is not a judicial institution so
that the decision, does not have the executorial strength , and the Commission has
no jurisdiction in other state than Indonesia. 3) The impact of the decision
decisions from the consumers point of view have a positive impact, however from
investment point of view, it causes uncertainty for investors, especially in terms of
investment in the field of exclusive rights such
as broadcasting rights.