Summary: | Background: Managerial competence is a competence to motivate, influence, direct, and communicate with staff in team work to reach organizational objectives. An official at structural position of Sorong Selatan District Health Office has to have competence related to 1) planning, 2) organizing, 3) implementation, and 4) evaluation and monitoring.
Objective: To identify managerial competence in the planning, organization, and evaluation and monitoring of a program to improve institutional quality at Sorong Selatan District Health Office.
Method: This was a case study that used both qualitative and quantitative methods. Research instruments used to obtain data of respondents were observation, indepth interview, and questionnaire with as many as 26 questions. Data processing used Likert Scale (n/20x100=n). The study was carried out at Sorong Selatan District Health Office involving 23 respondents.
Result: Institutional quality was continuous improvement activity in the organizational process that could produce a product, ensure customer satisfaction, long term commitment, teamwork and high quality service. Planning was an activity that would be done in the future to reach organizational goal. Organization was the process of cooperation between two people or more to reach objectives effectively and efficiently. Every program had to set an indicator of target achievement, when necessary made procedure of program implementation. Evaluation and monitoring were regular and systematic process that compared the result achieved and the criteria specified, followed by making conclusion and suggestion that could be done in every phase of program implementation.
Conclusion: Managerial competence that had to be mastered by staff of echelon III to improve institutional quality included competence for planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating and monitoring of a program that could make a product, satisfy customer, maintain long term commitment, work in team and produce high quality service.