Summary: | Objective: Recently the use of computers in the workplace has increased
significantly. The computer users often suffer from muscle disorders of neck pain,
shoulder and lower back, thereby reducing productivity. It is caused by nonergonomic
arrangement of work station, bad working posture and individual
factors of the computer users. This research is aimed to determine the influence of
monitor screen placement to the occurrence of neck pain complaint after being
given the task of typing an article for 45 minutes.
Method : The design of this study is a quasi experimental design with one
group pre-post test, to seek the impact of the monitor screen placement in three
different angles of 150,300 and 450 ( angle made by the line trough the center of
monitor below the horizontal line which draw trough the eye) to neck pain
complaint. The research subjects were 10 high school students who actively use
computers in their daily life. Data obtained using a questionnaire and assessment
of neck pain by Visual Analoque Scale (VAS). Data analysis to compare the three
angles is using One Way Anova if data is normally distributed and using Kruskal
Wallis test if data is not normally distributed at the level of significance (α= 0,05),
while the difference in the neck pain complaint before and after the intervention is
analysed using Paired Samples Test.
Results : The VAS value before the intervention was not indicating any
significant differences in the three- angles, this suggests relatively equal
conditions or comforts on the subject before the given intervention. On the mean
VAS after intervention show that the neck complaint is lower at the angle of 150,
followed by angle of 300 and the worst is angle of 450 but statisticaly there is no
significant difference in the three-angles. This finding differs from previous
research and hypotheses that can be caused by several factors such as duration of
intervention, unskilled ability to type with computer, a limited number of subjects
and the timing of research after other previous activities. From the comparison
before and after the intervention was found significant differences which means
these interventions can lead to increase neck pain complaint.