Summary: | Religion harmony in Fakfak is religious livelihood harmony based on cultural value and ethic remains attaches. Actually, religious diversity is not obstruction for interacting mutually, whereas kinship relationship being maintained through local culture. Term neret/magan in Fakfak is able to unify their diversity religion. The existed cooperation potentially moderating religion inter-group relationship through solidarity and local value thus it can prevent various issues in society. Satu Tungku Tiga Batu is a control means in maintaining religion livelihood harmoniousness among Patipi society. Patipi social behavior is structured on society history. On their behalf, live is not merely for completing individual need, but to defend and maintains social livelihood. Conflict will break the viability and social system function harmony. In other word, social integration only can be met through functional unity between subs-system within society. Religious activity descriptions in Teluk Patipi society were gained during observation and interview. Satu Tungku Tiga Batu remains able considered as slogan potentially reducing religious conflict in Patipi, Fakfak district which government participate declaring it through community-based program. Inhabitant�s cooperation in Patipi is not only in religious activity but also inside whole life activity as economic, social, and religious activities which turns this habit as harmonious life model and establishes mutual respect. However, ideological issue sometime being exploited by some people who cashing their position and reputation which deflects from initial habit. Hence, religious diversity awareness is not an obstruction for Patipi people since them ability to live peacefully through Satu Tungku Tiga Batu philosophy that means one in diversity religious. The point should be anticipated is radical religion movement potentially demoralizes concepts existences.