Summary: | This study aims to determine how the fashion described in the online game
Idol Street, especially in Update Dramalicious. The method used is descriptive
analysis of the data capture images of fashion in this online game. The results
showed than 1283 items, as much as 47.86% (614) is the item malls character of men
and 52.14% (669) female character. Fashion item mall casual men's fashion is
dominated by the number 343. Similarly, female-dominated fashion item fashion
casual mall numbered 351. Casual phenomenon is considered as a form of resistance
against the construction of reproduction values contained in the old fashion style
(such as classic, conservative, western, haute, elegant), then fashion is experiencing a
paradigm shift and change. Casual fashion became a symbol of the community who
always wants to look fashionable, trendy, uptodate, slang, casual and fashionable.