Summary: | Background: IDD in elementary school children causes the prevalence for low intelligence, particularly in those living at endemic areas. Meta analysis of 18 studies shows that individuals suffering from IDD have average IQ 13.5 lower than those without IDD. Subdistrict of Cangkringan is IDD endemic area with Total Goitre Rate (TGR) 39,5% and 6.6% of elementary school children failed in school in 2008-2009.
Objective: To find ways parenting and status of IDD as risk factors of cognitive capability of elementary school children at IDD endemic areas.
Method: The study was analytic observational with case control design. Subject of the study were 210 children. The data obtained consisted of age, gender, height, birth weight, nutrition status (height/age), parenting of parents, education of parents, occupation of mothers, number of family members, family income and IDD status. Cognitive capability was measured using Culture Fair Intelligent Test (CFIT) instrument. Analysis used frequency distribution, bivariate analysis and logistic regretion. All statistical analysis were made at confidence interval (CI) 95%.
Result: The result of bivariate analysis showed the value of parenting odd ratio (OR) 1,2 Is with CI=1,11<OR<4,17. Subject who suffer from IDD has averge cognitive capability 5,17 points lower compared with non suffering from IDD.
Conclusion: Parenting is not risk factor for cognitive capability. Children who suffer IDD has risk for lower cognitive capability than children who do not suffer from IDD in elementary school children who live in the area of endemic IDD.