Summary: | Sodium lignosulfonate (SLS) is one of the surfactant (surface active agent) that is widely used in the petroleum for the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). The use of SLS due it ability that can reduce the interfacial tension of two liquid phases, so it can enhance oil recovery in oil wells. SLS is the product of sulfite and lignin reaction. Lignin is obtained from oil palm bunches of solid waste those are very abundant and easily obtained from the rest of the production of palm oil mill.
This research is intended to study the kinetics and the influence of various factors on the reaction of SLS production. SLS-making process carried out by bacth sulfonation in a stirred autoklav reactor that given a heating mantle. Heating and stirring are intended to lowered the activation energy of lignin so that it can react with sodium bisulfite. SLS-making process carried out by varying the concentration of reagent (5%, 10% and 15% by weight NaHSO3), reaction time (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90 and 120 minutes) and temperature (160 0C, 165 0C and 170 0C).
Experimental results show that the reaction kinetics is controlled by chemical reaction with the modeling of liquid-liquid reaction of sulfite reaction with activated lignin in the fluid. The highest conversion is 0.83837 on the conditions of 10 g of oil palm empty fruit bunches (content of lignin is 12.37%), sodium bisulfite 15%, temperature 170 0C and reaction time 50 minutes. The model is suitable for this research is a pseudo first order irreversible reaction. Relationships between the temperature and the rate constants can be represented by the equation : k = 1600.214945 exp (- ) ( T in Kelvin and the while R = 8314,34 J / Kg.mol.K )
The purification process is done by variying ratio of cation exchangers weight with the mL versus SLS products (0,5:5