Summary: | The aimed of this research was 1) To know the Influence of Social
Economy to Adoption Innovation System Of Rice Intensification Paddy in
Maliana Area of Timor-Leste, 2) To know the influence of the Adoption
Innovation System Of Rice Intensification (SRI) to Production in Maliana Area
The research basic method is analytical descriptive to the procedural solving
problem to reality observed with an analytical quantitative approaches. The
method samples used are purposive sampling and simple random sampling. The
total sample is 120 respondents as sample representative. The analytical data used
of this research were 1) scoring technical, 2) validity test, 3) reliability test, 4)
normality test with P-P plot model, 5) hypothesis tests, multiple regression
correlation ( use for first hypothesis), and simple regression (use for second
The first hypothesis used multiple regression correlation. The result of the
regression as simultaneously was showed those variables: motivation,
participation, non formal education and width of own lands with backward model
(model 4) influence positive and significantly to the adoption innovation system
SRI paddy.
The partial analysis result showed that the four variables are significantly
influence to the adoption innovation system SRI paddy. That mean that the
motivation of the farmers are increasing, so will be increased adoption innovation
SRI, the participation of the farmers are increasing, so will be increased adoption
innovation SRI, the non formal education of the farmers are increasing, so will be
increased adoption innovation SRI, and width of own lands are increasing, so will
be increased adoption innovation SRI. Second hypothesis, the result of the
analysis showed that adoption innovation system SRI paddy is significant
influence to the paddy production.