Summary: | The participation of society is the main role for the succees, continuity and
independency of health development, including mental health development. The
society participation on developing mental health comes by living healhty, organizing
will or health services to funding the operational especially mental health, for example
World Health Organization predict about 450 million citizen are suffering
schizophrenia. In Indonesia is about 6-9 per 1000 citizen. Schizophrenia is severe
mental illness, which is very stressfull, not only for the patient but also for their
family. It�s not easy to preventing relaps in mental disorder including schizophrenia.
Until now, the causing of mental illness are still being argued eventhough there�s
many study discus about it. Commonly, mental illlness occur by many factors. These
factors are, biology, psychology and sociocultural.
The aims of this study are to identify the role of health services on preventing of
schizophrenia patient.
The study method is an observational study using cross sectional design and
analize with linier regression statistic method. The study�s place is at RSJ. Prof. Dr.
Soeroyo Magelang, subjects are hospitalized patient in Intensive Care Unit from
November �Desember 2010.
The result of this research shows that health service are significantly preventing
relaps (p = 0,001).
Conclusion of this research is, more dificult or less health services recieved by
respondent, more higher their chance to relaps, or in another word, better health
services, bigger chance for them for preventing the relaps