Summary: | Insomnia prevalence in general population approximately 10-40% and
among HIV positive patients were found high prevalence approximately 73%. There
are several risk factors thought to contribute to the occurrence of insomnia in HIV
patients including low CD4 counts. This study is to compare the incidence of
insomnia in HIV patients based on CD4 lymphocyte count category.
The current study design was hospital-based cross-sectional study. The
samples consisted of adult HIV patients who visited Edelweis Clinic of Dr. Sardjito
Hospital Yogyakarta between October 2010 - December 2010 and have CD4 count
measurement. Samples divided into two groups according to CD4 count < 200
cell/mm3 and CD4 > 200 cell/mm3. Patients were recruited for interviews using
inventories including Insomnia Severity Indeks (ISI), Mini Mental State Examination
(MMSE), and The Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D).
There are 92 patients who attended this study. Among these, there are 63
(68,5%) male patients and 29 (21,5%) female patients. Subject had insomnia in CD4
< 200 sel/mm3 group is 21 patients (45,7%) and CD4 > 200 sel/mm3 group is 11
patients (23,9%). Bivariate analysis showed CD4 < 200 sel/mm3 category correlate
significantly to insomnia, but not significantly on multivariate analysis. Result on
multivariate analysis indicate cognitive impairment (RP=3,324